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You Can Help

The primary reason properties become distressed is because the right people could not get to them fast enough. You can help your local community by reporting properties that show signs of distress. We can then investigate these properties and provide assistance to the owners.

Enter your contact information below if you would like updates on the property you’ve submitted.

For the quickest response time, please provide the full property address and as much information as possible when making a submission.

Possible Signs of Distress

    • Damaged Roofs – Once a property is exposed to the elements, the interior can quickly deteriorate.


    • Vacant/Abandoned Homes – These homes become neglected, accrue fees and can become home to squatters, leading to larger issues.


    • Boarded Up Buildings – Local municipalities will oftentimes board up abandoned properties to prevent access.


    • Fire Damaged Homes – If not remediated, fire damaged homes can quickly deteriorate further.


    • Overgrown Lawns – Significantly overgrown lawns are a sign that a home is not being cared for, and could be a sign of larger issues.

        Why it Matters

        Problems Distressed Properties Cause

        1. Deterioration and Decay: When left vacant, properties can deteriorate over time due to exposure to the elements, lack of maintenance, and potential vandalism.


        2. Safety Hazards: Vacant properties can become safety hazards, attracting trespassers, squatters, and criminal activity. Unsecured vacant buildings may also pose fire risks.


        3. Decreased Property Value: Nearby vacant properties can lead to decreased property values for neighboring homes, as they may give the impression of neglect and disrepair in the area.


        4. Neighborhood Blight: Vacant properties can contribute to neighborhood blight, negatively impacting the overall aesthetics and desirability of the community.


        5. Increased Pest Infestations: Vacant properties can become breeding grounds for pests such as rodents and insects, which can then spread to neighboring properties.


        6. Property Tax Issues: Local governments may face reduced property tax revenue from vacant properties, impacting public services and infrastructure.


        7. Liability Concerns: Property owners may still be liable for accidents or injuries that occur on their vacant properties, making proper maintenance and security important.


        8. Increased Costs: Maintaining vacant properties, including utilities, insurance, and property management, can become an ongoing financial burden for property owners.


        9. Delay in Community Development: Vacant properties can hinder community development efforts and discourage potential investors and businesses from moving into the area.


        10. Economic Impact: Vacant properties can have broader economic implications, including the potential to affect the local economy, job opportunities, and property market stability.